Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Stephen A. Blossom

Stephen A. Blossom, who died March 28 at age 93, covered maritime news and the Great Lakes shipping industry for The Plain Dealer for nearly 20 years. Read the obit at:

Sunday, April 06, 2008


PD Editorial Retirees & Expatriates
Casual unstructured lunch troupe
Gather for lunch on the last Friday of January, April, July and October
Spouses and guests always welcome

NEXT LUNCHEON: Noon, Friday, April 25

PLACE: Stancato’s, 7380 State Rd, Parma,
Strip mall near intersection with W. Pleasant Valley Rd.
From I-480 take State Rd. south
From I-77, Ohio 82 or Wallings Rd., west
From I-71, Ohio 82 east

COST: Buffet $5.95, plus beverage, dessert, tip

RSVP by April 18
Janet Beighle French (216) 221-2318, or or
JoAnn Pallant (440) 734-1923, or

Future gatherings: July 25, October 31, and January 30

To correct a name or address, add or subtract a name, or to receive this notice by email, contact Stuart Abbey, (440) 257-2359 or