Monday, November 22, 2010

Holiday book sale!

PD alumni,

Mark your calendars for one of the finest perks in our building: the semi-annual sale of books, music, DVDs, audiobooks and sundries that have accumulated all year.

You will find a boxed set of Malcolm Gladwell titles, the Doonesbury retrospective ($100 retail), impeccable classical recordings, a stylish umbrella, Barbara Streisand's new coffee table book, hundreds of children's volumes and thousands of other great gifts.

The heartwarming parts are 2-fold -- we're keeping the prices steady -- $3 hardcover, $2 paperbacks, $10 coffee-table books -- and all proceeds go to United Way.

The housekeeping parts: Pay your book cart IOUs to gain admission. No early bird bids; no cruising the items beforehand. Limit of 10 children's books the first day. No hoarding and sorting -- be considerate of colleagues.

The sale will run in the second floor community room Thursday, Dec. 2, from 3 to 6 p.m., and half-price Friday, Dec. 3, from 9 a.m. to noon.

Happy shopping,

Karen Long

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